11 months
Social worker full-time job details

Social worker full-time job details

Medical care/nursing care/welfare ・ Counselor for life
Language skills
Monthly 198,000¥or more (transport)

social worker

* Car commuting possible

Recruiting social workers at the social welfare corporation Aiseikai in Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture!

【job description】
social worker
● Kazuno City Oyu Regional Comprehensive Support Center (inside the hot spring resort facility “Yutori”)
You will be a social worker in
・Care prevention by interviewing and evaluating elderly people requiring nursing care 1 and 2
Create a care plan → Grasp the situation and analyze the issues
・Receiving consultations from elderly people and their families by telephone, visits, etc.
Introduce necessary systems and services
・Protection of rights
・Collaboration and network with local care managers and related organizations
・Holding dementia cafés and operating “Yu Yu Club” sponsored by Kazuno City
* Company-owned vehicles (AT, regular, light) used for visits

[work place]
1-3 Katsuranosawa Nakayachi, Towada Oyu, Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture
*Oyu Regional Comprehensive Support Center *Oyu Onsen Recreation Center Yutori
*Care Home Oyu In-Home Nursing Care Support Office

Recruitment type

Social Worker Fulltime

Work location

1-3 Katsuranosawa Nakayachi, Towada Oyu, Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture


[Monthly salary]
198,000 yen - 220,000 yen

Qualification requirements

Social worker Required
Ordinary car driver's license required (AT limited)

[Necessary experience, etc.]
nice to have
Welfare industry experience

Working hours/days

Working hours 1

60 minutes

【Off hours】
can be
Average monthly overtime hours
1 hour


Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, etc.
Five days off per week

Year-end and New Year holidays: 12/29-1/3 Available
Annual paid vacation days after 6 months 10 days

[Annual number of holidays]
123 days

*There is a track record of taking childcare leave.


[Salary increase]
Pay raise system
can be
Salary increase (previous year results)
can be
Salary increase amount/salary increase rate
1,480 yen to 1,480 yen per month (previous year results)

Bonus system
can be
Bonus (Previous year results)
twice a year
Bonus amount
A total of 3.45 months (actual results for the previous fiscal year)

[Transportation fee]
Actual expenses paid (with upper limit)
22,000 yen

Employment insurance, industrial accident insurance, health insurance, welfare pension

【Severance pay】
can be
Length of service
over 1 year

Recruitment characteristics

Car commuting possible


・There is a record of taking childcare leave.
・There is a record of taking nursing care leave.
・We are fully equipped with social insurance.
・It is possible to commute by car.
・Number of staff: 10 (total: 179)
・Age limit: up to 59 years of age


Social Welfare Corporation Aiseikai


1-3 Katsuranosawa Nakayachi, Towada Oyu, Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture


14 minutes by car from JR Hanawa Line Towada Minami Station

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