9 months
Job details for office work (simple data entry in general)

Job details for office work (simple data entry in general)

Clerical work ・ Temporary work related to clerical work
Language skills
Hourly 1,030¥ (transport)
Shift system Wakaeiwata Station Nagata Station Aramoto Station Yoshida Station

Musashino Co., Ltd. Osaka Factory
Rare time!!
Those who come on Saturdays and Sundays are welcome!!
A fun workplace where women are active!!

【Employment status】
part-time job

[Job type]
General office work Telephone answering Data entry/PC input

Hourly wage 1030 yen + transportation expenses stipulated 2 days a week ~ OK!!

【Working hours】

``Takaida Station'' ``Takaida Chuo Station'' OK to commute by car or bike

Transportation expenses stipulated, social insurance provided,
Cafeteria available, uniforms provided

* Sunshiyu (social insurance participants from 2nd year onwards)
* Perfect attendance/attendance allowance, paid vacation, overtime allowance available

Shift system *Time and day of the week negotiable

【job description】

Manufactures 7-Eleven lunch boxes
We are recruiting office staff for our factory!!
Simple data entry and miscellaneous tasks. Women are active
We will give you detailed instructions from the beginning!!

[Recommended points]
Rare time!!
Those who come on Saturdays and Sundays are welcome!!
A fun workplace where women are active!!

[Company name]
Musashino Co., Ltd. Osaka Factory
3-2-5 Takaitanaka, Higashiosaka City (behind Autobacs)

[Business details]
food manufacturing industry

Also recruiting night shift office workers/23:00~7:00 the next day
Hourly wage: 1,290 yen (from 11 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.), from 5:00 to 1,030 yen

【Application method】
Please do not hesitate to apply

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