10 months
Manufacturing Operator job details

Manufacturing Operator job details

Factory/manufacturing ・ Manufacturing industry
Language skills
Hourly 1,280¥ (transport)
Long term welcome Bonus There is employee appointment Dormitory, company housing, housing allowance available Long vacation Inexperienced / Beginner OK Experienced and qualified people welcome Housewives and househusbands welcome With uniform

[Contract Employee] Manufacturing Operator

【basic information】

[1] 19:15~04:15
[2] 07:15~16:15

Hourly wage 1280 yen or more

*Salary increases at any time, bonuses twice a year, overtime allowance

No experience required, part-time workers welcome, housewives and househusbands welcome, active seniors, long-term welcome, hours and days of the week, salary increases, bonuses available, transportation expenses provided, employee promotions available, qualification acquisition support, hourly wage of 1,000 yen or more, daily wage of 8,000 yen or more, Monthly salary of 200,000 yen or more, uniform provided, PC skills can be utilized and acquired, commuting by car or motorcycle is OK, it is OK to apply with friends, large number of recruitment

[Job information]

[Actively recruiting] Full-time employee promotion system available! Looking for manufacturing operators!

Perfect for those who like operating machines! Introducing the job description of a manufacturing operator.

You will be responsible for measuring ingredients for vegetable drinks based on recipes.
We work according to rules to create safe products.
At first, you will be accompanied by an educator, so you don't have to worry even if you are alone! Once you get used to it, you will be able to expand your scope of work.

We will support you with a solid education system! Even if you have no experience, you can start with confidence.

Most of the seniors who are currently active started with no experience. Therefore, we understand which processes are likely to cause trouble for people who are new to this job, and we provide guidance using work procedures for complex tasks.
Even if you are new to manufacturing work, you can start with confidence.

I like sports and other physical activities, and I don't like jobs that require sitting all day. This is perfect for those people!

If you don't like a job that involves sitting all day using a computer, or if you're not good at customer service, would you like to work in logistics? As a logistics specialist, I handle many products every day, so I naturally acquire the know-how as a manufacturing operator.

Safety first is our motto! We will protect the products we handle and the safety of our employees.

We manufacture and check a set number of products every day. Product reliability and employee safety are both equally important to us, so we ask you to work within a reasonable schedule.

We will work hard to become a useful partner in creating innovation in growing fields.

Listed on the TSE Prime Market on March 15, 2013. We do business with many customers in a wide range of industries by providing safety, high quality, and services based on advanced technology and knowledge throughout all processes, from manufacturing to logistics. We will continue to take on challenges as a company that can contribute to the future of the earth and the happiness of people around the world.

[Recruitment information]

3990211 2150 Fujimi, Fujimi-cho, Suwa-gun, Nagano Prefecture

〈Working days and hours〉

Working days:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Holiday

With notes:


Please refer to the comments below for the notes.

Working hours:

[1] 19:15~04:15
[2] 07:15~16:15

actual working hours:

9 hours

Minimum number of working days (week):

5 days

*7:15-16:15 (overtime...19:15), 19:15-4:15 (overtime...7:15)
Sundays are closed, which is rare in factories!
*Saturday may be your working day due to production circumstances.

Any age, high school graduate or above, license required, no experience required, inexperienced people welcome, inexperienced people welcome, experienced people welcome, long-term candidates

over 1 year

*Paid according to company regulations

According to our calendar, Golden Week, Obon holidays, year-end and New Year holidays

*・Annual holidays 114 days
・Sunday holidays (based on factory calendar)
・Long holidays during Golden Week, Obon, and New Year holidays

Employee appointment system available, cafeteria available, dormitory/company housing available, uniforms provided, commuting by car possible, parking available

*・Meal cost assistance: If you use the cafeteria, 30% will be covered by the company.
・The dormitory is located about 5 minutes by car from the workplace.

Konoike Transportation Co., Ltd. Fujimi Office [Kagome Co., Ltd. Fujimi Factory]

[Workplace information]

Number of men and women

* Male: 35 people
* Female: 5 people

Age group

* Teens: 0 people
* 20s: 7 people
* 30s: 10 people
* 40s: 13 people
*Over 50s: 10 people


* High school students: 0 people
* University students, junior colleges, and vocational schools: 0 people
* Housewife/househusband: 2 people
* Employees (including contract and dispatch): 38 people
* Freeter/part-time workers: 0 people

* Cooperative
* Few interactions outside of work
* Standing work
* at home
* Active as a beginner
* Lots of manual labor
* exactly at the fixed time
* No knowledge or experience required

[Application information]

Please apply online or by phone. If using the web, please fill out the application sheet and send it. We will contact you later regarding the interview date. If you call, please bring your resume (with photo attached) after contacting us.

<1. Application> Apply online or by phone. <2. Interview> Please bring your resume (with photo attached). Please let us know if you have any concerns or wishes regarding the job content or workplace. <3. Recruitment> We are looking forward to meeting you! Please feel free to contact us regarding your starting date. *Applications will be kept strictly confidential.


*Would you like to settle down and work at our company, which has many years of experience and a proven track record? We have a well-organized education system and welfare benefits, so you can start with peace of mind!

【About us】

Company Name:

Konoike Transportation Co., Ltd.

Business details:

General logistics industry

Company location:

4-3-9 Fushimi-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture

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