9 months
Job details for wholesale/logistics/warehousing/logistics/materials/purchasing/business management

Job details for wholesale/logistics/warehousing/logistics/materials/purchasing/business management

Clerical work ・ Sales office work
Language skills
Annual 3,500,000¥or more (transport)

* Employing company name:

Konoike Transportation Co., Ltd.

* annual income:

Annual income: 3.5 million yen to 5.5 million yen

* Work location:


* Industry:

Distribution/Retail/Service > Wholesale/Logistics/Warehouse

* Job type:

Management > Logistics/Materials/Purchasing/Business Management

* job description:

The company, which provides logistics services, will operate and manage distribution centers. You can gain a wide range of experience at a distribution center that operates every day, from staff management to center revenue management and customer negotiations.
【in particular】
General management of business offices related to cargo transportation and commercial warehouses
Staff attendance management and recruitment, accounting for billing and office payments, etc.
Management and supervision regarding safety and health, negotiations with business partners, sales activities, etc.

* Business details:

Domestic logistics business International logistics business Complex solutions business Environment/engineering business

* Required experience/ability:

[Required] The ability to communicate with customers and staff, and the independence and proactiveness to proactively identify needs and problems.
[Welcome] Hygiene manager, warehouse delivery work experience, vehicle dispatch work experience

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