10 months
Cook job details

Cook job details

Medical care/nursing care/welfare ・ Nurse/assistant nurse
Language skills
Monthly 210,000¥or more (transport)
Shift system

Company Name
Uokuni General Headquarters Osaka Headquarters


Employment status
full-time employee

Monthly salary 210,000~250,000 yen

salary details
*Depending on experience and ability

work address
Yasumoto, Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture

Nearest station
Hankyu Bus "Sendaiguchi"

Access information
15-minute walk from Hankyu Bus Sendaiji Exit

Working hours

Working hours/shift details
6:00-18:30 (7.5h shift system)


* Various social insurances available
* Transportation expenses (up to 30,000 yen per month)
* paid holiday
* Uniform loan
* Paid sick leave (up to 25 days)
* Recreational facilities in Nasu and Arima
* There is a long service commendation system

job description
[Cook] I work in the kitchen of a welfare facility.
We would like to ask you to prepare ingredients, season and cook, and general work associated with serving meals.

Department in charge of recruitment
Human Resources & General Affairs Department

About 8 days a month (shift system)

Recruitment characteristics
Work as a chef in Ibaraki City!

* I love the voice of "Delicious"!
* Perfect support for skill improvement!
* Deepen your knowledge of “food” while working!

Willingness to "make people happy!"
A little ingenuity in arrangement, etc.
It leads to "Thank you! I'm happy!"
If you are unsure, please feel free to apply!

Planned number of hires
1 person

Application conditions
cook license

job title
Recruitment of cooks for the kitchen in the welfare facility in Yasumoto, Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture

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