11 months
Job Details for Counter and Forklift Operators

Job Details for Counter and Forklift Operators

Store ・ 100 Yen shop
Language skills
Hourly 1,300¥ (transport)
One-time / 1 day OK Long term welcome You can choose the time and day of the week / free shift Shift system Full time welcome Inexperienced / Beginner OK Experienced and qualified people welcome Housewives and househusbands welcome Side job/double work OK Senior support Near the station/inside the station Kitamatsudo Station Mabashi Station Minoridai Station Matsudo Shinden Station Kamihongo Station

counter and forklift operator

Salary: Hourly wage 1,300 yen ~
Access: 5-minute walk from Kita-Matsudo Station on the JR Joban Line / Commutable by car / Free parking available
Working hours: (1) 08:45-17:45 / 8 hours a day (2) 13:00-22:00 / 3 hours a day ~ OK * Break 1 hour 15 minutes, 2 days a week ~ OK

About your work

Job content

Many people in their 40s and 50s are active! Alcohol maker products
Storage space and transportation truck for shipping
We will take care of the loading, etc.
●There is a 2-month trial/training period.
No worries even if you have no practical experience or blank ♪
● Easy commuting with car commuting and parking available ♪

Business content
Cargo handling

Please apply from TEL or Web (24h).

Job characteristics

* Freeters welcome
* Inexperienced / Beginner OK
* Blank OK
* Experienced and qualified persons welcome
* shift system
* You can choose the time and day of the week / free shift
* Weekdays only OK
* 4 days or more per week OK
* One-time / 1 day OK
* Full-time welcome
* Work within dependents OK
* Long term welcome
* Side job/double work OK
* Station Chika / Station Naka
* Commuting by car OK
* Bike commuting OK

Example of shift/income

■Middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s are active!
■ Inexperienced welcome! You will learn how to operate a lift and how to handle products in two months of training, so you can start with confidence.
■You can work on the same day using your qualifications! You can play an active role immediately!
■ Selectable shift system! Full-time work / short-time work, please consult with us about how to work according to your lifestyle.

Application Requirements


counter and forklift operator


Hourly wage 1,300 yen ~

Employment insurance, social insurance, commuting allowance (full payment), executive allowance, employee appointment system


No trial/training period


* Trial/training period: 2 months (hourly wage: 1,250 yen)
Transportation expenses (full amount), complete with social insurance, paid holidays
Commuting by car or motorcycle OK (free parking available)

Transportation expenses

Full payment

★ 5 minutes walk from Kita-Matsudo Station! Perfect access from the station ◎
★ There are many convenience stores and restaurants in the surrounding area.
★ Commuting by car OK (free parking available)

Work location

Godo Shusei Tokyo Factory
250 Kamihongo, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture (place of work)


5-minute walk from Kita-Matsudo Station on the JR Joban Line / Commutable by car / Free parking available

Qualification requirements

forklift license holder
★Practical inexperienced people and those with blanks are also OK
★ Senior support, part-time jobbers and housewives (husbands) welcome

Working hours

(1) 08:45-17:45/8 hours a day
(2) 13:00~22:00/3 hours a day~OK
*Break time is 1 hour and 15 minutes, 2 days a week is OK
* Work style to suit your lifestyle ◎
[Shift example]
13:00-19:00 (1 hour break)

holiday vacation

Shift system / Closed on Sundays and holidays

working period

Minimum working days: 2 days a week
Minimum working hours: 5 hours a day

how to decide shift

2 days a week, 5 hours a day ~ OK! It's a selectable shift system, so you can work in your own way!
If you want to relax in the morning, you can work in the afternoon, and if you want to enjoy the after-work hours, you can work in the morning.
Or you can work 2 days a week because you are busy, and a full 5 days a week next week because you want to make a lot of money!
You can choose how you work! Double work and running are also possible!
If you have no practical experience, if you want to improve your career, we are waiting for you to apply!

About application

Flow after application

A representative will call you. If you are not available, we will send you an email with an overview.

Planned number of hires

2-3 people

We are looking for a part-time job for a forklift operator.
Specifically, we will leave the storage space and loading to the transport truck for product shipment.
The products we handle are products of alcohol manufacturers.
Don't worry if you don't have work experience as there is training for 2 months.
Take advantage of your qualifications and get started right away! Inexperienced is OK! Recommended for new graduates and those who want to change careers!

About us

Company Name

Kashiwa Senko Transportation Co., Ltd.

company address

250 Aza Nakacho, Kamihongo, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, inside Godo Shusei Tokyo Factory

Employment form/occupation supplement

part-time job

Logistics/Delivery/Equipment [Part-time] [Part-time] Counter and forklift operator

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